Thursday, June 30, 2011

Getting Indexed by Google

Have you noticed getting indexed by Google has gotten easier and faster the last couple of months? If you haven't seen an improvement then odds are you must have done something very wrong. You see, all the great hullabaloo about Google causing trouble for internet marketing pros is really just that: hullabaloo.

What Is the Google Index Business About?

Google has always been about trying to provide their users with the best end user experience, and it is the internet marketing industry that has sought (and profited) by trying to game the system. The Google Index rankings seek to provide the most relevant content to each user's search request. Repeated efforts of web marketers to figure out how to game the system or try to dominate the rankings with garbage content had a great deal of success for a number of years.

As the Google index business has gone corporate, more business accountability (brand protection protocols) has been put in place. This has forced the company and search engine to continue to do a better job at weeding out the cheaters.

How the Google Slap Impacted Ezine Articles, Et al.

The recent Google Slap put a hurt on the businesses that (in all honesty) leech revenues from some of Google's other brands, Adsense and the like. Ezine Articles (through no fault of it's own really) and other article directories only did what they were incented to do after all. Those article directories were given/earned authority status with Google and as a result it only stood to reason that as their number of page increased, so would their traffic and revenues. Ergo it's pretty clear standards at many of these content farms were lax (or relaxed) to allow as much content as possible to come through.

How Content Farm Changes Have Made Getting Indexed by Google Easier

Getting indexed by Google these days is much easier and faster if you follow the rules at Ezinearticles and or Squidoo or whatever you favorite content directory is. Once you have gotten your content approved, a simple couple of backlinks to it from nearly any of the social bookmarking sites will get your page found and help you start getting traffic. I recently tried getting indexed by Google with a Squidoo lens in a competitive niche. I used the same tactics I had been using for years (I write own content, do minimal backlinking of my own, etc), and one of my backlinks to my lens was indexed in under 5 minutes. A COMPETITIVE NICHE, NO LESS! 5 Minutes.

I'll get off my soapbox for now. I hope you read this with a feeling that you can compete provided you can get your content published. Getting indexed by Google is easier than it has been in years, and the income results speak for themselves.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Social Networking Marketing Strategy

A smart social networking marketing strategy will try to get the most impact from the least output in the shortest amount of time. That after all is the very definition of viral marketing - and that is quite exactly how people use social network tools today. It's all about being first, fast, fabulous, famous, and fashionable. Getting ahead with a good social networking marketing strategy takes advantage of all these societal desires and makes use of automation tools to get there (wherever "there" happens to be at the right moment) first.

How to Develop a Winning Strategy on Social Networks
Having a winning strategy on the top social networks means getting on top of the current events and staying relevant to whatever topic is hot. If there is an issue that is important to your readers / customers, you need to have a good grasp on your position and get it out there without being unnecessarily controversial. In most cases this means taking a conservative position and let the more foolish people duke it out. Most of your customers won't care if you're conservative - you stand to lose more by being controversial. You may pick up some brownie points and fans along the way, but followers and fans more often than you think are lurkers not buyers.

So how should this impact your strategy? You still need to have all the right social network automation tools in place to keep all your web 2.0 accounts updated. But it is wise to take careful stock of current events before putting your foot in your mouth all over the top social networks. So that means be relevant, be timely, and remain relatively conservative - because we've all seen in that last year how much damage social networks can do to brand image when combined with thoughtlessness.