Media Buy Costs Plummet When Taken Online and Social
Web savvy business owners know and understand the drill. When the need to promote a new offer comes up, the marketing effort ramps up and quickly gets the message out to key followers and further out onto the web. Occasionally a marketing effort or social message goes viral and your business audience grows overnight! This isn't obviously always the case but with the right setup in place these so called media "buys" cost the smart business owner NOTHING!Facebook Twitter and Google - The Key Elements of Our Social Media Training PDF
So how do you become a web savvy business owner like our example above? You need only read and implement the steps outlined in our social media training PDF (cheaper Kindle edition). In it we cover how to bring your marketing message quickly and efficiently to all the social networks (and other media outlets) at once. With the click of one button the web savvy business owner informs all their followers wherever they choose to receive their media information while at the same time publishing the same information to the broader public across a variety of news outlets.Benefits of Taking Social Media Training to the Next Level
In addition to the obvious benefits of increased business exposure for pennies (or nothing!) the advantage of taking additional social media training is the advancement of skills in online marketing as well as understanding what to expect from online marketing efforts. One great example of this is the difference between sending out a weekly flyer in the mail (or as blown-in advertising in your local paper) versus putting content up on the web. Your flyer is unlikely to be read at all - and if read even once, will be discarded almost immediately. That is literally throwing money directly into the garbage.On the other hand, time spent putting a social media message together and then putting it up on the web creates a permanent record which not only links your message to your store or brand, but also creates a spot in search engines to which customers who read (and discarded) your message the first time around can still search for (and more importantly... find!) your original message for re-use or (even better) to pass along / share with friends.
Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of our social media training PDF or Kindle edition. You won't regret it. I promise.
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